ASU Polytechnic Campus Innovation Way

Arizona State University | Mesa, Arizona

As part of the road improvements along the City of Mesa’s Ring Road at the ASU Polytechnic Campus, EPS Group provided landscape architectural design for the City of Mesa Right-of-Way for the approximately 2.8-mile streetscape along the entire length of the new Innovation Way Ring Road. The streetscape provides a significant unifying element and a way-finding system to the overall campus and the roadway loop with its colorful desert adaptive trees and understory plantings. Hardscape, site furnishing, and landscape elements provide comfortable, shaded nodes at key pedestrian mall intersections and transit stops. Architectural elements were used to tie the entire streetscape together as well as the entry with the use of signage / monumentation, gabion walls, decorative perimeter screen walls at the Algae Research Center, themed trees, and colorful accent plantings assist in creating and enhancing the overall identity of the Polytechnic campus.